Stream Restoration & Sustainable Outfall Stabilization Program
Project Description The Stream Restoration Program is intended to restore degraded stream channels and protect adjacent infrastructure at various Parks throughout Montgomery County. This project makes corrective improvements to damaged stream channels, floodplains, and tributaries. The prevention of continued erosion is a key goal as well as improving the aquatic habitats in our local eco-system. […]
Completed ADA Constructions Projects 2016-2023
Completed ADA Construction Projects (July 2022 through June 2023) Argyle Local ParkScope of work: Parking Activity Building interior renovations Bauer Drive Local Park Scope of work: ADA improvements at pickleball courts Black Hill Regional ParkScope of work: New community garden Edgewood Neighborhood ParkScope of work: New community garden Indian Springs Terrace Local ParkScope of work: […]
Vision Zero Program
Vision Zero Background Montgomery County was the first county in the United States to adopt a Vision Zero policy, with the goal of reducing severe and fatal collisions for vehicle occupants, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Montgomery Parks, in coordination with local stakeholders, is committed to working toward the County’s Vision Zero Action Plan. Vision Zero originated […]
Soccer Courts (Futsal) in Montgomery County
What is Futsal Futsal is a scaled down version of outdoor soccer played on a hard surfaced court. It is a small sided game (5v5) played on a small court (roughly basketball court sized) with a smaller (size 3-4) ball. Futsal is played with touchline boundaries. This is the game that outdoor soccer players around […]
Long Branch Parks Initiative
Find out more information about the Long Branch Parks Initiative.
Powered by Parks: 2022 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Plan (PROS)
Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan Update Montgomery Parks updated the 2017 Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan to guide the future development and management of our park system. Parks, recreation, and open spaces provide active, social, and leisure opportunities that are essential to the high quality of life for Montgomery County residents. […]
ADA Program – Accessibility Projects
Program Description Montgomery Parks, part of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, has developed a multi-year plan to enhance accessibility at parks and park facilities throughout the county. These efforts coincide with revised Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations (issued by The U.S. Department of Justice) that went into effect in March 2011. These […]
Meadow Management & Restoration Program
What is the meadow management program? A meadow is a plant community composed almost entirely of herbaceous plants and some shrubs. Protecting these natural habitats allows native plants, insects, birds, and mammals to flourish and enrich the local environment. The goal of the meadow management program is to protect these natural habitats with minimal disturbance by […]
Pickleball in Montgomery Parks
What is Pickleball Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports both in Montgomery County and nationally. Pickleball is a fun, fast-paced, but low-impact sport that is a combination of several classic games – badminton, tennis, and table tennis. It’s played on either a shared court with tennis (players use the existing net or bring their […]
Trail Planning & Implementation
Natural Surface Trail Projects in Progress Wheaton Regional Park Natural Surface Trail Renovation and Construction Project: This project will renovate existing natural surface trails as well as construct new ones within Wheaton Regional Park. Furthermore, this project will increase trail accessibility, improve trail connectivity, and enhance overall trail conditions for users throughout the park and the greater community. The project will add an additional 1.75 miles of new natural surface trail and close/reforest .25 miles of existing natural surface trail. Once the […]
Playground Renovation Program
Project Description The playground renovation program renovates up to six existing playgrounds each year. The designed life expectancy for each playground is approximately twenty years. The playgrounds in the current schedule for replacement are at the end of their life cycle. Background Montgomery Parks has approximately 276 playgrounds within the park system. The Parks’ Capital Improvements Program […]
Maryland Transit Administration Purple Line Construction Project
Purple Line Background The Purple Line Project is a 16-mile, 21-station light rail transit line that will connect several communities in Maryland. The project when complete will connect Bethesda in Montgomery County to New Carrollton in Prince George’s County. The corridor is located along the Capital Beltway near Washington, D.C., in a densely populated area […]
Stormwater Retrofits & Environmental Enhancements Program
Project Description This program is intended to install stormwater retrofits in conjunction with environmental enhancements of natural resources at various Parks throughout Montgomery County. During storm events, larger than natural volumes of stormwater will rush into local streams in areas with a lot of impervious surfaces (roadways, parking lots, buildings). This can cause significant damage […]
Outdoor Court Renovation Program
Project Description This program is funded to renovate existing outdoor courts (tennis, basketball, soccer/futsal, pickleball, and multi-use) each year. The designed life expectancy for each court is 20 years. Courts are identified using reoccurring condition assessments and prioritized using a number of factors to determine the project list. Majority of courts renovated with this program […]
Energized Public Spaces (EPS) Design Guidelines
The purpose of the Energized Public Spaces (EPS) Design Guidelines is to create energized, inviting, easily accessible, attractive, comfortable, and safe public spaces. The EPS Design Guidelines provides overall direction for major features of parks and public spaces design including the recommended size, type of experiences and amenities that each park type should provide. The EPS Design Guidelines […]
WSSC Infrastructure & Projects on Parkland
Sewer and Water Lines in Parks The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) is the owner of the majority of the miles and miles of water and sewer lines traversing the earth beneath us in Montgomery County. While this critical infrastructure removes wastewater from our homes and businesses and brings us treated water for drinking, cooking, […]
Energized Public Spaces Functional Master Plan (EPS FMP)
Background The Energized Public Spaces (EPS) Plan is a countywide functional master plan that defines a program to create more parks and public spaces to serve areas of the County most in need. The Plan will provide a comprehensive approach to how and where we create parks and public spaces in the parts of the […]
Wheaton Regional Park Master Plan
Wheaton Regional Park,Montgomery County’s Regional Park, NEXT DOOR! Wheaton Regional Park is getting a facelift! Most of the park’s facilities were designed and constructed from 1960 through the 1980s. Since then, a lot has changed about the community and the larger county. With the plan update, the park will better reflect the community’s diversity, values, […]
Countywide Park Trails Plan Amendment
What’s Next? Trail planning staff will return to Planning Board for feedback and public input for evaluating unsanctioned (unofficial) trails in the Upper Paint Branch and Cabin John watersheds with the possibility of converting them into sanctioned, sustainable multi-use natural surface park trails that may also provide important connections to nearby parks and facilities. Background […]