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Home / The Long Branch Parks Initiative

The Long Branch Parks Initiative

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What is the Long Branch Parks Initiative?

The Long Branch Parks Initiative is an effort to make comprehensive recommendations to improve the overall quality of Long Branch parks based on a thorough review of the condition, use, and the community’s experience of, and desires for, each of the ten parks in the Long Branch neighborhood.

The goal of the Initiative is to address the park, recreation, and public space needs of the Long Branch area strategically and holistically. By planning and designing Long Branch parks together, the Parks Department has opportunities to meet the varied park needs of the community using all the parks in the area. That is, if an amenity or improvement does not fit in one park, it may fit in another.

Community Engagement:

Montgomery Parks wants your help as we plan for the future to ensure we provide the types of spaces and activities that meet your needs. We want to know what makes a particular place special for you? Staff has met with the community at various events and encouraged the community to take a survey in order to gather input for new park amenities (such as playgrounds, ballfields, basketball and tennis courts, gardens, skate parks, grills, etc.), new park activation programs and to hear what the community considers a priority for improvements for Long Branch-Arliss Neighborhood ParkLong Branch Local Park. Staff will continue to gather input regarding New Hampshire Estates Neighborhood Park, and Quebec Terrace Neighborhood Park at different events in summer 2023.

¿Qué es la Iniciativa de los Parques de Long Branch?

La Iniciativa de los parques del vecindario Long Branch es un plan que está llevando a cabo Montgomery Parks para echar un vistazo amplio a los parques de la comunidad de Long Branch, los senderos, los servicios y a los programas recreativos, para determinar qué es lo que hay que mejorar o añadir para que los parques puedan servir mejor a la comunidad que vive en el área de Long Branch.

Participación de la comunidad:

Montgomery Parks desea contar con su ayuda a la hora de planificar el futuro para garantizar que podamos ofrecer los tipos de espacios y actividades que satisfagan sus necesidades. Queremos saber qué es lo que hace que un lugar concreto sea especial para usted. El personal se reunió con la comunidad en varios eventos y alentó a la comunidad a realizar una encuesta para recopilar información sobre las nuevas comodidades del parque (como parques infantiles, campos de béisbol, canchas de baloncesto y tenis, jardines, parques de patinaje, parrillas, etc.), nuevos programas de activación de parques y para escuchar lo que la comunidad considera una prioridad para las mejoras para Long Branch-Arliss Neighborhood ParkLong Branch Local Park. El personal continuará recopilando información sobre New Hampshire Estates Neighborhood Park, y Quebec Terrace Neighborhood Park en diferentes eventos en el verano de 2023.

map of upper long branch, long-branch arliss neighborhood park
Long Branch Parks Initiative Map

Contact Information:

Christie Ciabotti