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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Trails Directory

Montgomery Parks boasts more than 260 miles of trails

Our trails are used for active and passive recreation and exploring. We encourage you to practice trail safety at all times as you enjoy the trails.  Use the Montgomery Parks Trailheads with Parking Map (accessible pdf) to find a trail near you. Check out our trail etiquette and safety tips below.

Our PDF trail maps are ADA accessible, but our GIS map is not. If you need assistance, please contact website@montgomeryparks.org.

Discover Our Trails
Features, Maps, and Tips for Your Journey

Our PDF trail maps are ADA accessible, but our GIS map is not. If you need assistance, please contact Lisa.Herman@montgomeryparks.org.

Trail Etiquette

Trails are shared recreation amenities and are accessed by a variety of users at the same time. Please be courteous to all users and remember that pedestrians have the right-of-way.

  • Trails are available for use from sunrise to sunset each day unless noted otherwise.
  • Remember that pedestrians have the right-of-way.
  • Use caution or avoid trails during rain, high winds, and other inclement weather.
  • Avoid natural surface trails for 24 hours after a rain event. (see Rainout Line)
  • Cyclists are encouraged to wear helmets.
  • STOP at stop signs, they indicate dangerous cross-car traffic.
  • E-bikes and e-scooters are permitted on hard surface trails (Parks Directive accessible PDF) except where prohibited and should adhere to posted trail speed limits and operate at a reasonable speed.
  • All trail users should stay to the right on the trail.
  • Bicyclists approaching pedestrians should make an advanced noise using voice, bell or horn, and should pull off the trail when stopping to avoid possible accidents.
  • Pets should be kept on a short leash, and owners must clean up after their pets.
  • Bicyclists must keep a safe, reasonable speed and adhere to trail speed limits.
  • Bicyclists must adjust speed to trail congestion and surface conditions.
  • Respect, communication, and courtesy go a long way in helping everyone enjoy the trail safely.

Safety Tips

  • In the event of an emergency, call 911.
  • Program the Park Police number 301-949-8010 into your cell phone before you leave.
  • Never use the trails alone; always let someone know where you are going.
  • Wear reflective material and carry a whistle or noisemaker.
  • Be very observant of your surroundings and other people.
  • Avoid areas where visibility is poor, and don’t wear headsets.
  • Carry personal identification and a cell phone if possible.
  • Park in well-lit, heavily traveled areas if possible.
  • Don’t leave valuable items in plain view inside your car. Leave them at home or lock them in your trunk before arriving at your destination.
  • When approaching your car, have your key ready, check the floor and the back seats before entering.