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New for the 2024-2025 Season!
- Royce Hanson Conservation Park at Broad Run (RHCP-BR), located in Dickerson, MD will be added to the Lottery-based Program. This 435-acre park was acquired in 2021 by M-NCPPC. This park will be managed using a hybrid model that is new to the Lottery-based Program, whereas it will combine both archery and firearms hunting. Archery hunting will occur from September 9 – November 29, then again from January 11-31, while firearms hunting will occur on four (4) scheduled hunt dates during the winter months. Firearms hunts will occur much as they do in the traditional Lottery Program parks, however, staffing will be limited to 2 and ATV support/assistance will not be available. At the current time, this park is closed to the public and is undeveloped, with no trail system in place. Participants interested in hunting at this park should be aware that access and deer removal will be more challenging than a typical Lottery Firearms Program location. At this time, firearms stand sites at this park have not been finalized. If you apply and are selected for a firearms date at this location, your stand site will be communicated to you at a later date.
- There will be one (1) additional hunt day added at Rachel Carson Conservation Park, bringing the total number of hunt days at this location to four (4) during 2024.
- Montgomery County is now included in the state’s CWD Management Area. Participants must be familiar with pertinent state guidelines found on MD DNR’s “Chronic Wasting Disease in Maryland” page. Click HERE for more information. Reminder: If MD is not the hunter’s home state, it is their responsibility to be aware of and follow their home state’s laws regarding chronic wasting disease (CWD) and importation of deer harvested in MD.
- REMINDER: Allowable firearms and cartridges [Straight-Walled Cartridges now permitted]. Rifles that fire straight-walled cartridges, .350 -.500 calibers, may be used in the Montgomery Parks Firearms Managed Deer Hunting Program. 12-20 gauge shotguns remain permitted for use. Firearms discharge restrictions/regulations (shots less than 80 yards, ONLY) remain unchanged within the program. Safety First! It is requested that all firearms be cased or covered while in areas visible to the public. Please refer to Lottery Firearms Program Regulations document for more detailed information.
- Online QUIZ (new format), mandatory for all participants who were selected for 2024-25 Lottery Firearms Program opportunities. No username or password is required. Please click HERE to access the quiz.