Spring Break Advanced Freestyle Clinics!
April 14-18, 2025 from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Each day is an individual registration for flexibility over spring break.
Prerequisite: Passed Free Skate 6 & working on an axel jump. The Advanced Free Skate Camp is designed for athletes who are currently competing and testing through the U.S. Figure Skating pipeline. Spend the week learning drills that will improve your jump entrances and exits. Learn the bullet points for improving your GOE (grade of execution) on jumps and breakdown of points for combinations and sequences. Spins technique will be focused on daily and will include, strengthening and understanding spin features, levels, and improving GOE (grade of execution). Edgework, exercises and advanced transitions will also be focused on daily. Off Ice classes will include a variety of topics. Some examples include, improving balance and coordination for jump landing and spin positions. Understanding and maximizing program components, managing the “inner athlete,” and maintaining a healthy balance between schoolwork, skating, and life outside the ice rink. Groups will be divided by current competitive (or testing) level both on and off the ice.
Thank you Mariah and Max!