Managing Water Quality on Parkland
Protecting natural and cultural resources; encouraging recreation while promoting conservation; and providing clean, safe, and accessible places for park visitors and neighbors are core to Montgomery Parks’ mission. Montgomery Parks routinely works to prevent stormwater and other types of pollution from impacting our aquatic resources and actively responds to potential water quality concerns.
Reporting a Water Quality Concern
Patrons are the eyes and ears in our Parks, and we encourage your help with protecting aquatic resources. Contact Montgomery Parks via the Water Quality Concerns Hotline at (301) 495-3582 if you see something unusual in one of our bodies of water, including an algal bloom, fish kill, or sediment pollution.
You can also reference the Montgomery Parks Water Quality Concerns Hotline Guidance document in the ‘Resources’ tab on the right to learn more about reporting these concerns.
For sewage leaks and water main break concerns, contact WSSC Emergency Services directly.
Caring for Aquatic Resources
Aquatic resources are sensitive to changes from the surrounding land. Biological monitoring allows for the long-term evaluation of stream conditions and a cumulative assessment of overall watershed health, but there are occasionally discrete, more localized conditions that may attract attention and that may have the potential to affect ecological health and public safety alike.
Amphibians as Indicators
One way park patrons can learn more about aquatic habitats and contribute to their stewardship is by becoming a Montgomery Frog Watch chapter volunteer!
Montgomery Parks and the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection cohost a local chapter of FrogWatch USA. Volunteer community scientists receive training to recognize and record data on the unique breeding vocalizations of frogs and toads heard after dusk at wetlands and submit them to the FrogWatch USA national database, helping to inform conservation strategies for species and their habitats.
To get involved:
- Preview the monitoring protocol (accessible pdf);
- Review instructions for volunteering through Montgomery Parks (pdf);
- Find an existing listening site or locate a new one via the interactive map; and
- Learn more by exploring the Montgomery County FrogWatch Chapter page.
2025 Training Opportunities:
March 13, 2025, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – In-Person Review and Field Excursion at Meadowside Nature Center (*trained volunteers only*).
Need training? New volunteers for the 2025 season can complete training online by viewing a previously recorded chapter session or taking the free self-paced online volunteer training and orientation course available through FrogWatch USA/Akron Zoo.
Please contact the Montgomery Parks FrogWatch Coordinator to receive a link to the chapter training recording or reach out with your FrogWatch USA certificate of completion to receive further instructions on chapter participation and how to register for the March 13th field experience.
Monthly monitoring meetups led by Park Naturalists are also back for 2025!
- Locust Grove Nature Center (Thursdays): April 10, May 8, June 12, July 10, August 7
- Meadowside Nature Center (Wednesdays): April 23, May 28, July 30
What did we find in 2024?
Montgomery FrogWatch volunteers made 194 observations across 130 visits at 30 listening locations, documenting 8 species in Montgomery Parks! The top five species detected were Spring Peeper, Green Frog, Gray Treefrog, Pickerel Frog, and American Bullfrog. When combined with volunteers monitoring outside of Montgomery County Parkland, the Montgomery FrogWatch Chapter contributed more than 200 monitoring observations to the National FrogWatch USA database, which exceeds 190,000 observations and 16,000 contributors nationwide!
Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
The appearance of an orange substance in the water can be a sign that iron-oxidizing bacteria are present. Iron-oxidizing bacteria use dissolved iron in the environment for energy and produce orange or rust-colored byproducts that can appear as fuzzy-looking flocculant, sludge, or surface film. Although the orange appearance can be unsightly, the bacteria that create it are naturally occurring and are a harmless part of our local aquatic ecosystem. Signs of iron-oxidizing bacteria are often found in slow or still-moving water, as well as stormwater outfalls and road culverts, but do not pose a threat to human, pet, or ecosystem health. Iron-oxidizing bacteria can also produce an oily-looking sheen on the surface of the water, which can sometimes be confused for petroleum pollution, but can be readily distinguished in the field using a stick or rock.
Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria) and Microcystin
Blue-green algae are cyanobacteria capable of producing microcystin toxins (accessible pdf) that are harmful to people and pets that come into contact with affected standing water. Blooms associated with elevated levels of toxic microcystins have been frequently observed in Lake Frank and Lake Needwood in Rock Creek Regional Park in the summer and fall. Staff routinely inspect and monitor conditions, and signs are posted, and media advisories are circulated if potentially harmful levels are detected.
Aquatic Nuisance Species
Aquatic nuisance species are animals and plants that have been introduced into a body of water, become established, and cause harm by impacting the local environment, economy, and/or human health. Several species identified in Maryland have or are at risk of invading our parks, but patrons can play a part in preventing their spread by taking simple steps like managing fishing bait and boating gear properly.
Wetlands and Mosquitos
From large lakes, ponds, and marshes to streamside swamps and tiny, transient vernal pools, the wetlands in our parks play a vital role in the environment. Much like the kidneys in our own bodies, wetlands filter impurities in our watersheds. They also act as natural flooding and stormwater pollution control and represent some of the most prolific wildlife habitats, connecting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Although wetlands are marked by standing water, they rarely are the source of common complaints about mosquitoes. Learn more about Mosquitos in Montgomery County and Montgomery Parks Integrated Pest Management Program and Pesticide Use.
- Montgomery Parks Water Quality Concerns Hotline Guidance (accessible pdf)
- Orange Slime, Oily Sheen, & What They Mean: Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria in Montgomery Parks (accessible pdf)
- Cyanobacteria, Microcystin, & You: Blue-Green Algae Blooms in Montgomery Parks (accessible pdf)
- Montgomery Parks FrogWatch Monitoring Protocol (accessible pdf)
- Montgomery Parks FrogWatch Volunteer Instructions (accessible pdf)
- Montgomery Parks FrogWatch Locations Web Map
- Public Information & Customer Service
- WSSC Infrastructure & Projects on Parkland
- Stormwater Management
- Biological Monitoring
- Stream Restoration & Sustainable Outfall Stabilization Program
- Stormwater Retrofits & Environmental Enhancements Program
- Living with Wildlife
- Montgomery County FrogWatch Chapter Page