Parks Police Department

Chief Darryl McSwain
Darryl McSwain was appointed as the Chief of Police for the Maryland-National Capital Park Police – Montgomery County Division – in May of 2018. He was a Montgomery County Department of Police member for 30 years before retiring as an Assistant Chief. Chief McSwain led the Field Services Bureau overseeing County Security, Media Services, Crisis Response, Support Division, Animal Services, and Traffic Operations. He is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Police Executive Research Forum. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from the University of Maryland and earned a Master’s Degree in Administrative Management from Bowie State University. Chief McSwain is an alumnus of the Major Cities Chiefs Association Police Executive Leadership Institute and a graduate of the F.B.I. National Academy and National Executive Institute. He and his wife Sallye are the proud parents of four young adults.

Assistant Chief, Patrol Branch, Captain Tracy Lieberman
Public Information Officer (PIO)
The Assistant Chief of the Patrol Branch oversees the Patrol Branch, including all six patrol squads (day work, evenings, and midnight) and Community Services Section. The mission of the Patrol Branch is to provide front-line services to our community. Officers assigned to the Patrol Branch are the first to respond to service requests from community members and Commission staff.
The PIO is responsible for communicating with the public, and media, and/or coordinating with other agencies, as necessary, with incident-related information requirements. They develop and release information about the incident to the news media, incident personnel, and other appropriate agencies and organizations.

Assistant Chief, Support Branch, Captain Bryson Evans
The Assistant Chief of the Support Branch oversees the Administrative Section, Communications Section, and Management & Technology Services Sections. The Support Branch is dedicated to providing quality support services to the Division. Our goal is to provide the tools for Division members to do their jobs more efficiently and effectively.

Assistant Chief, Operations Branch, Captain Lakeisha Robinson
The Assistant Chief of the Operations Branch oversees the Special Operations Section (Mounted, Motor, and Marine). The Special Operations Section patrols the regional parks and the hiker and biker trails throughout Montgomery County using horses, motorcycles, and boats. This section also staffs and manages special events with large crowds of people.

Assistant Chief, Investigative Branch, Captain Nicole Adams
The Assistant Chief of the Investigative Branch oversees the Crime Investigation Unit and Special Assignment Team. The Investigative Branch also leads the agency’s participation in Federal/State/Local taskforces.
Daywork, Evening, and Midnight Shift Commanders
Lt. Charles Smith Jr., Lt. Sarah Mikalauskas, and Lt. Francis Wulff

Lt. Francis Wulff, Lt. Sarah Mikalauskas, and Lt. Charles Smith are the commanders for the Daywork, Evening, and Midnight Patrol Shifts.

Investigative Services Section Commander, Lt. Adam MacLeod
The Investigative Services Section investigates crimes against persons and property and follows up on reports taken by Patrol personnel as needed. This section also maintains Crime Scene Evidence Collection equipment and manages Vehicle and Asset Forfeitures. The Investigative Services Section is also responsible for recruitment and applicant investigations. The Special Assignment Team addresses problem park areas through plain clothes and uniformed patrols.
Management & Technology Section Commander, Lt. Caleb Garcia

The M&T Section is committed to providing quality support services to the Division. This section includes technology, communications, evidence/property management, records, information technology, facility management, and fleet management. Mobile data terminals, computer-aided dispatch, and a record management system are interfaced to create a total technological package for the officer on the street.

Special Operations Commander, Lt. Myrical Gratton
The Special Operations Section (SOS) patrols the regional parks and the hiker and biker trails throughout Montgomery County using horses, motorcycles, and boats. In addition to patrolling park property, Special Operations officers are often called on for controlling events, search and rescue operations, and dignitary escorts, and specialize in patrolling park areas with limited access.