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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

McKnew Local Park – Phase Two – Park Renovation

Project Description

This project proposes to renovate the developed area of McKnew Local Park. The goal is to upgrade the old amenities, resolve drainage issues, and improve the park’s usability and accessibility.  

The project intends to make infrastructure improvements at the park including: 

  • Renovation of the courts 
  • Improvements for the parking lot 
  • Improvements to the loop trail 
  • The addition of adult exercise equipment 
  • The addition of stormwater management/bio-retention facilities 
  • Enhancement of seating opportunities 
  • Landscape improvements 

The existing large open green area will remain.   


M-NCPPC acquired McKnew Local Park in 1987. Situated along the eastern boundary of Montgomery County, this park is bordered by Saddle Creek Drive to the west and McKnew Conservation Park to the east and south. The park spans approximately 23 acres, with the majority covered by woods. On the southern side, about 4 acres are developed, boasting amenities such as a playground, multi-use field, basketball court, tennis court, and a loop trail.  

The park faces single-family residential housing to the west and is surrounded by continuous forest on all other sides. M-NCPPC maintains the entirety of the park.  

The park improvement plan includes two phases. The first phase involves the renovation of the existing playground and picnic area for multi-purpose recreation and leisure uses while providing accessibility and stormwater management.

Status/Project Update

Calendar and Meeting Notes

*Dates and times subject to change. Please contact the project manager for updates.

Project DatesNotes and Project Resources
Spring 2024Solicit community input  
May 7, 2024
7 – 8:30 pm
View the community meeting recording
Summer 2024 Finalize conceptual design and hire a consultant
– Tennis court renovation
Fall 2024 – Spring 2026Finalize detailed design, and obtain required permits 
Summer 2026Construction bidding/procurement
Fall 2026 Construction of park improvements start. 
Last Updated: January 24, 2025