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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Damascus Recreational Park Athletic Field Lighting

Project Description

This project will install athletic field lighting at Damascus Recreational Park to extend the permitted use of Fields 1 and 2 (baseball and softball fields) beyond sunset. Included in the project will be the installation of International Dark Sky-compliant lighting, ballfield turf upgrades, drainage upgrades, ADA and access upgrades, parking lot improvements, and other incidental improvements to the project area surrounding Fields 1 and 2.  A State Bond Bill for $225,000 was awarded for this project and will provide partial funding for the improvements. The balance of the project cost will be funded through the Parks Capital Improvements Program (CIP).

Montgomery Parks is also exploring the feasibility of a future project to light the rectangular fields in the park to extend the permitted use of Fields 5-8. Plans and funding sources for this project are yet to be determined.


Damascus Recreational Park sits on 284 acres and has multiple outdoor athletic fields and courts for general recreation opportunities.  The developed portion of the recreational park is concentrated towards Kings Valley Road with multiple entrances to parking lots along the roadway.  Eight athletic fields and four outdoor courts are spread across this athletic portion of the park in four distinctive areas with parking lots.

Status/Project Update

A hybrid community meeting took place on October 24, 2023, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the cafeteria of Hallie Wells Middle School located at 11701 Little Seneca Parkway, Clarksburg, MD. Parks staff presented information about the lighting and improvements at Fields 1 and 2. The meeting also offered the opportunity for the community to learn about and provide input regarding the feasibility considerations for lighting the rectangle fields. Montgomery Parks asked community members to provide feedback by filling out a survey, the comment period was open from October 24 to December 15, 2023.

Calendar and Meeting Notes

October 24, 2023Hybrid Community MeetingView the meeting recording
October 24 – December 15, 2023Open Town Hall forum is available for people to provide ideas and feedback N/A
Summer 2024 – Spring 2025Detailed design and permitting for Diamond Fields 1 & 2 N/A
Summer 2025Anticipated construction N/A
Spring 2026Anticipated project completion N/A

Last Updated: February 6, 2025