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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

REGISTRATION CLOSED - Weed Warrior Workday at Rachel Carson Conservation Park 

Volunteer cuts plants

Save the trees 

Join Weed Warrior Supervisor Lauren and Weed Warrior Jill for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday in Rachel Carson Conservation Park in Olney, MD. Meet in the main parking lot at 22201 Zion Road.

We will focus on non-native, invasive vines and shrubs, including porcelainberry (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata), wintercreeper (Euonymus fortunei), English ivy (Hedera helix), roundleaf bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), winged burning bush (Euonymus alatus), and bush honeysuckle (mainly Lonicera maackii).

Please wear long pants that cover your ankles, long sleeves, and sturdy, closed-toed shoes. Bring gloves, pruners, small folding hand saws and/or loppers if you have them. Gloves and tools are available to borrow if you don’t have your own. No power tools or machetes allowed. Please bring water to drink. Please note: Court Ordered Volunteer Hours can’t be granted through this workday.

This event is capped at 15 people.

This workday is pre-approved for MCPS SSL hours. Volunteers must be 16 years or older to join this event.

We will cancel if there is significant snow or temp under 28 degrees F. All pre-registrants will receive a cancellation notice, if needed. 

All volunteers must register online: Click here to register for the event

How to register

  • Click “Schedule”
  • Pick the shift you are interested in.
  • If you don’t have an account in our system, please create one.
  • If you already have an account in the database, but forgot your login info, email the WW Volunteer Coordinator, and don’t create a new account.
  • More details, including the exact meeting location, will be emailed to you after you register.
  • For questions about the event, contact Weed Warrior Supervisor Lauren.

Learn more about the Weed Warrior program.

Sunday, February 9, 2025
1:00PM - 3:00PM
Rachel Carson Conservation Park

22201 Zion Road
Olney, MD 20833
