Dog Parks in Montgomery Parks
There are numerous dog parks throughout Montgomery Parks! Exercise and socialize your pet in a safe and clean environment. Locations for Montgomery Parks’ dog parks are listed below. Majority of dog parks are open from sunrise to sunset but will follow the hours of the park where they are located. Dog park visitors are expected to read and follow the rules and regulations below.
Dog Park Rules
- Users assume all risk of harm.
- Handlers are responsible for their dog at all times and must have immediate access to a leash.
- Handlers may not have more than three dogs at the park at one time.
- All dogs must be current on all vaccinations as required by state or local law; licensed with their respective local government; and have affixed to their collar an identification tag and current rabies tag.
- Aggressive dog, dog in heat, or dogs that bark persistently, are prohibited.
- Users must puck up and dispose of their dog’s waste.
- Users are responsible for repairing/replacing any damage caused by them or their dog.
- All dog or human food and glass containers are prohibited.
- All commercial use of any M-NCPPC dog park is prohibited, unless giving prior written approval by the Park Director.
- Smoking or vaping is prohibited.
- Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Unless otherwise posted, the dog park is open from dawn to dusk.