Project Description
This Facility Plan project seeks to identify and locate the best possible uses of Jesup Blair Park and determine a strategy for the house. The end goal of the process is to plan an inspiring and engaging “park for all” – including spaces for relaxation, enjoyment of nature, social connection, and active recreation. Objectives also include year-round activating uses for a diversity of populations, generations, interests, and abilities; improving connectivity and accessibility; employing sustainable strategies; protecting tree canopy; and complementing the historic cultural landscape. Community meetings will inform future programming and amenities in the park. The Facility Plan process will result in a preliminary plan for the park, a determination of regulatory feasibility and an estimated budget for detailed design and construction. If approved by the Montgomery County Planning Board, the project will be included in the Parks Capital Improvement Program for future design and construction funding.
A Note about the House
Montgomery Parks recognizes that finding a successful long-term use of the house is closely tied to the success of the park Facility Plan. Park staff is currently conducting a market-based economic analysis for the historic structure. The purpose is to identify use(s) that are active, sustainable, and engaging, with programming and placemaking that draws people into the park and encourages them to stay. This analysis will build upon the community input received during the Facility Plan’s Fall 2023 online public survey and the Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan. Recommendations from the market analysis will identify feasible uses for the house and help guide the park Facility Plan design. Preliminary house option(s) will be presented with the park Facility Plan designs during future community meetings.
At approximately fifteen acres, Jesup Blair Park is the largest park in downtown Silver Spring. The park is located at 900 Jesup Blair Drive and nearly abuts Washington D.C.’s northeastern boundary. It is surrounded by Georgia Avenue, Blair Road, Jesup Blair Drive, and WMATA/CSX railroad. Adjacent land uses include multi-family residential, commercial, and institutional (Montgomery College Silver Spring/Takoma Park campus). Refer to the “Location Map” for more information.
The rich history of the site includes bearing witness to events of the Underground Railroad, familial connections to the cabinet of President Abraham Lincoln and much more. The circa 1849-1850 Moorings house is in the core of the park – it is the only remaining Silver Spring residence of the Blair family. The Blair family bequeathed the house and property to the state of Maryland in 1933, and in 1939 they were transferred to the M-NCPPC. The house and the entire property are included on the Montgomery County Master Plan for Historic Preservation.
Existing amenities include walkways, public art, parking, a soccer field, a playground, open lawn and picnic areas, tennis, basketball, lighting, interpretive signage, and hundreds of canopy and understory trees. Refer to the “Existing Amenities” plan for more information.
The development of the Facility Plan will be guided by the Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan (SSDAC). The SSDAC included robust community outreach and specific recommendations for Jesup Blair Park. It was approved by the Montgomery County Planning Board and the Montgomery County Council in 2022. Refer to the Sector Plan concept for more information. This concept is the starting point for the Facility Plan community outreach discussions and Facility Plan process.
Status/Project Update
Montgomery Parks is currently leading a market analysis for the house redevelopment. The Facility Plan will proceed after feasible house options are identified. Please continue to check in for future updates.
Calendar and Meeting Notes
*Dates and times subject to change. Please contact the project manager for updates.
Project Dates | Notes and Project Resources |
Summer 2023 – Fall 2023 | Project Initiation Phase, including but not limited to background research, topographic survey, tree inventory, preliminary archaeological investigation, and outreach |
September 9, 2023 | Outreach event: Park cleanup |
September 22, 2023 | Outreach event: Buckets & Beats: Silver Spring Youth Block Party |
October 7, 2023 | Outreach event: FRESHFARM Downtown Silver Spring Market |
October 23, 2023 | Outreach event: Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board |
October 24, 2023 | Outreach event: Silver Spring Urban District Advisory Committee |
October 28 and 29, 2023 | Outreach events: Pop-up in the Park |
Spring 2025 – Fall 2025 | Complete market analysis of potential feasible house uses and programming. |
Fall 2025 – Early 2026 | Preliminary Design, including concept alternative(s) based on existing conditions assessment, prior community engagement and online survey, and potential house uses. |
Early 2026 | Community Meeting and plan refinement |
Spring 2026 – Fall 2026 (anticipated) | Design Development, including recommended plan, cost estimate, preliminary permits, geotechnical investigation, and Preliminary Consultation with the Historic Preservation Commission |
Early 2027 (anticipated) | Facility Plan presented to the Montgomery County Planning Board for approval |