WHEATON, Md. – The Montgomery County Council supported the Montgomery Parks fiscal year 2024 (FY24) funding requests during their May 25, 2023, meeting. The Council’s approved operating budget and FY23-28 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) recognize Parks’ key role in maintaining a high quality of life in the county and keeping county residents engaged, healthy, and happy.
The County Executive’s recommended Parks operating budget was $4.3 million less than the Parks Department’s request. In response, Parks officials made tough choices to cut expenses and roll back some newer initiatives. “While those reductions were painful, the County Executive’s proposed budget would have meant further drastic cuts to parks services, maintenance and programs,” said Mike Riley, Parks Director. “Today, the Council voted to restore funding because they know what a vital role parks play in our community, and we are grateful for their support.”
Park enthusiasts wrote emails, visited Council offices, called their representatives, and testified on behalf of the Parks budget. Advocates shared their stories of how Parks have affected their lives with the County Council members making these budget decisions.
The County Council provided $131 million in tax-supported funding for the Parks Department including restoration of almost $2.6 million to the Parks operating budget allowing maintenance funding to support new and improved park amenities, the expansion of our community special events program, enhancing the natural resources management of 27,000 acres of conservation land, and expanding our internship program. That program will bolster ongoing efforts to attract diverse candidates to Parks’ workforce.
Despite the overall good news, there will be some shortfalls. The Council was able to restore only half of the $3 million the County Executive eliminated in his FY23-28 CIP. The $1.5 million cut will reduce the Parks Department’s capacity to acquire and preserve natural areas, farmland and historic properties throughout the county.
To learn more about our budget, visit https://montgomeryparks.org/about/budget/.
About Montgomery Parks
Montgomery Parks manages more than 37,000 total acres of parkland, consisting of 420 parks. Montgomery Parks is a department of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), a bi-county agency established in 1927 to steward public land. M-NCPPC has been nationally recognized for its high-quality parks and recreation services and is regarded as a national model by other parks systems.
Montgomery Parks, part of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, encourages and supports the participation of individuals with disabilities. Please contact the Program Access Office at 301-495-2581 (Voice), MD Relay 7-1-1 or 800-552-7724 or ProgramAccess@MontgomeryParks.org to request a disability modification. Visit Montgomery Parks Accessibility for more information.