Join Montgomery Parks and Friends of Sligo Creek at a volunteer park cleanup! Help beautify your community green spaces, keep litter out of our streams, and protect wildlife.
- Children under 14 years old must volunteer with a parent/guardian.
- All cleanups are pre-approved for SSL hours*. Forms are provided at the cleanup.
- Students must pre-register to receive SSL hours. Do not use an MCPS email.
- This opportunity is not eligible for court-ordered service.
Register Here for the Long Branch Local Park Cleanup
Once on the ‘Join a Cleanup’ page, click the schedule tab to sign up for a cleanup. Please note that when an event fills up, it disappears from the schedule. Cleanups will be added throughout the season, so check back often!
We’ll send cleanup details to all registered volunteers on the week of the cleanup.
Cleanup Leader: Nick Clements, Friends of Sligo Creek
For questions contact: