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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Cleanup at North Gate Local Park

Join Montgomery Parks at a volunteer park cleanup! Help beautify your community green spaces, keep litter out of our streams, and protect wildlife.

  • Children under 14 years old must volunteer with a parent/guardian.
  • All cleanups are pre-approved for SSL hours*. Forms are provided at the cleanup.
  • Students must pre-register to receive SSL hours. Do not use an MCPS email.
  • This opportunity is not eligible for court-ordered service.

Register Here for the Cleanup at North Gate Local Park

Once at the Volunteer Page, and on the Join a Cleanup opportunity, click the schedule tab to sign up for a cleanup. Please note that when an event fills up, it disappears from the schedule. Cleanups will be added throughout the season, so check back often!

Cleanup Leader: Dawson Pennypacker

For questions contact: volunteercleanups@montgomeryparks.org

volunteer in the parks branding


Saturday, March 15, 2025
10:00AM - 12:00PM
North Gate Local Park

14100 Connecticut Avenue
Aspen Hill, MD 20906